Join the Coast fork Willamette Watershed Council on March 28, at the Axe & Fiddle, for Science on Tap! Featuring a special presentation titled “Quick Three Beers” Birding with Coast Fork Birders by Grace Fowler-Gore and Alison Center! The Coast Fork Willamette Watershed Council (CFWWC) hosts a family-friendly monthly public meeting series called Science on Tap on the fourth Tuesday of each month from 5-7pm at the Axe & Fiddle, 657 E. Main Street in Cottage Grove. The event begins with informal socializing, trivia, and updates about the watershed and watershed council. The Science on Tap presentation begins at 6pm. CFWWC receives 10% of all sales from the evening between 5-7:30pm. The event is free to the public, with a $5 donation suggested. For more information visit, or follow us on social media!