When Ira Hawley and his wife Elivira staked out their 1853 Donation Land Claim south of what was to become Cottage Grove, they probably didn't image the ranch they established would still be thriving 172 years later, supplying local meat the old fashioned way. Bill Hoyt, direct descendent of Ira & Elvira, and current rancher operating the family legacy, will be sharing family stories gleaned from Ira's Diary and historic photos. Join us for History Pub, every 2nd Tuesday: Trivia, 50/50 Raffle, Fine Food, Fellowship, and fascinating looks into CG's golden past. Event sponsored by the Cottage Grove Genealogical Society & Downtown Cottage Grove Bill Hoyt is the presenter and a direct descendant of Ira Hawley. The ranch south of CG as you are almost to the south freeway entrance has been in the family since Ira got the Donation Land claim.