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Name: Gamesquall!
Date: December 31, 2027
Time: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM PST
Event Description:
Gamesquall is an annual board, card, miniature, and roleplaying game convention held in beautiful downtown Cottage Grove, Oregon -- it's a sort of "poor man's" version of Portland's Gamestorm convention. In our case, of course, we're using "convention" in its loosest possible sense. There's no scheduling system, no hotel rooms, no pool, no celebrities, no dealer's room, and no gift bags... but there's plenty of free parking and admission is only zero dollars, so we figure that helps make up for it. If you'd like to attend, just show up at the Odd Fellows Lodge in Cottage Grove just about any time between noon on December 31st and two in the morning on January 1st. You can play games from the extensive Gamesquall library, or you can bring your own games to share with the group (the more the merrier!). Or both! You can find all the details at -- hope to see you there!
Odd Fellows Lodge, 317 E. Main Street, Cottage Grove (directly above KNND and Books on Main).
Date/Time Information:
Noon on December 31 through the wee hours of January 1.
Contact Information:
Jake Boone, Disorganizer. 541-653-7413.
It's free!
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