Join Cottage Grove's Head Librarian, Natasha Chitow, as she describes the sensational crime that shocked the Pacific Northwest and nation in 1935, The abduction for ransom of lumber heir George Weyerhaeuser which rivetted the public's attention for a week. The kidnappers demanded $200,000 in cash (over 4 Million today) and led his father on a series of late night forays, following clues to eventually drop off the ransom money. George was released unharmed after spending time in holes, riding around in trunks of cars, and finally in a remote cabin. History pubs are sponsored by the Cottage Grove Genealogical Society and Downtown Cottage Grove. In addition to a interesting presentation there is Trivia, 50/50 Raffle, Fun, Food, and Fellowship. Every 2nd Tuesday, 5 to 7pm at the Axe and Fiddle in the historic Downtown