April History Pub

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Name: April History Pub
Date: April 11, 2023
Time: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM PDT
Event Description:
History Pub - Sponsored by Cottage Grove Genealogical Society & Downtown Cottage Grove meets every 2nd Tuesday. April's Pub features Lorie Schaffer who will tell the fascinating tale of Cornelius Hills. He came to Oregon in 1847 and was known as the Daniel Boone of Lane County. Hills Creek, Hills Creek Dam were named for him and he named the community of Jasper, it was one of his sons names. Some of his descendants ended up in Cottage Grove and made some history of their own, the Stewart Family.
Axe & Fiddle, 657 E. Main Street, in the Historic Downtown Cottage Grove
Date/Time Information:
Tuesday April 11, 5 to 7pm
Contact Information:
Dana Merryday, 541-942-7037
Free. Food and drink available for purchase, 50/50 raffle
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